morocco camel trekking

Desert Camel trekking or Camel rides through the Merzouga desert. Are a popular experience for tourists in Morocco. The Merzouga desert is located in the Erg Chebbi region and is known for its pink sand dunes. Camel rides in the desert allow travelers to explore the beauty of the desert. And see the sunset and sunrise from a unique point of view. The duration of the walks is variable, but generally lasts between one and several hours. It is important to check the security conditions before taking a camel ride in the desert of Merzouga.

1 night trekking:

We will start the afternoon, we will be prepared two hours before sunset and to spend the night in the camp (Berber tents in the middle of sand dunes, after crossing the highest sand dunes). After this sunset adventure, we will go to camp and have a mint tea in a Berber tent with dinner, a drum party with Berber music under the sky full of stars. In the morning, we will wake up for the sunrise and see a golden color on the sand dunes and take a Berber breakfast in this quiet then, camel trek back to the hotel.

1 Day Night Camel Trek:

Start in the morning and during the camel trek, we will cross all sand dunes to get to the Nomad families living in the black desert fields (Lahmada). There, we will have an idea of nomadic traditions. We might have a glass of tea with them and take a rest before we get ready for the rest of the day. Our journey will continue to Khamlia village where we will enjoy Gnawa music with a Berber Pizza lunch. Afterward, we will depart to our hotel to get ready for an amazing Camel trekking in the sand dunes. This adventure will take us into the top of sand dunes to catch one of our amazing sunsets and camel trek back to our Camp for the night under the tents.

2 Nights camel trek:

This depends on the travel time more than others and you’ll get to see the most interesting places around a large sand dunes in distance, black through the oasis and spend the night with the Bedouins / desert Berbers families, visit villages and mostly desert lakes especially when they are full of water after a good rainy season.

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